
Manage Your Online Presence


最近一直在WSJ读“Laid Off and Looking" Blog, 讲的是8个下岗的MBA找工作的过程。挺有趣的,也蛮有启发性的,特别是读者发表的观点。其中有一篇博客讲到网络形象对找工作的影响,我觉得很有意思,所以今天我也来讲讲我的一些想法

大家是不是跟我一样,每次在面试前都会对要面试我的人做个网络search, 我通常会在Linkedin.com OR Google搜索他们的名字,来了解他们的背景和兴趣。我通常会想了解他们的career path, education background, area of interests and expertises, hobbies or other significant aspects of their career and life. 所以,作为一个潜在的人选,或者被面试的人,被HR or hiring manager 搜索的可能性很大。那么管理自己的网络形象就变的很重要


如何减少或者消除负面影响呢? 我的个人建议是在找工作的期间把自己的facebook, myspace or other personal social networks 账户暂时关闭,你不想自己的未来雇主看到太多你的个人信息和照片吧? Google里搜索自己的名字,看看有什么结果。尽量减少任何对你找工作不利的信息。还有一个很重要的事情,往往被我们忽略。 那就是如果你写Blog或者有自己的个人网站, 希望雇主看到的,那么一定要注意不要有spelling or grammar errors.

如何积极有效的推销自己呢?我在之前一篇Market Yourself的文章里提到过网络是推销自己的一个很重要的渠道。首先可以利用自己的professional social network,我个人很喜linkedin.com,建议是花写时间在上面完善自己的proflie扩展自己的professional network. 如果你在上面有很好的推荐,记得在自己的简历上列出Linkedin profilelink. 如果有时间,可以参加一些linkedin's groups,参加这些组的讨论等等。总是合理利用上面的不同资源,对找工作会有很大的帮助。其次,如果有能力和时间,我建议建立一个专署找工作的网站,将自己的简历,成果,自我介绍等等列出来,然后写在自己的简历上。我听过不少成功故事,算是一个让自己脱颖而出的渠道


How to overcome the discouragement in your job search?

I was reading an article on Fortune.com named “Keep the job-search blues at bay” by Anne Fisher (http://money.cnn.com/2009/06/03/news/economy/job.search.discouraged.fortune/index.htm?postversion=2009060409), which talks about not giving up, and some tips to get moving again. It reminds me about my own personal situation now. I still have my job, but I almost gave up my efforts to find a job in my husband’s city. Of course, there is a significant difference between my situation and people who got laid off or just come out of school that desperately need a job to stay in US. However, I think there are some similarities in term of solutions。Here are my 2-cents:

1. Treat it like a full time job: If you are looking for a job, the search itself is a full-time job. This is an important mindset and commitment. It requires your attention, dedication, and a lot of time. My suggestion is to set aside 4 hours per day to conduct all job hunting related activities, such as polish/customize your resume and cover letter, keep in touch with your network contacts, search and apply job online.
2. Develop a detailed action plan: as the article said, you should develop a daily action plan. Make a list of each hour’s activity. It is easier to follow if you have a plan.
For example:
9-9:30 am: watch news (business and industry)
9:30-10 am: research job openings and company info
10-12 am: customize resume and cover letter based on the job description
12-1:30 am: lunch break
1:30-3:00 am: find/contact people in your network who can introduce or work for the target companies
3. Focus on what you can do better rather than negative emotions: Ok, let’s face it. The environment is very hash for our foreign workers, and job hunting has become much more difficult. There are hopes, rejections, and there are many disappointments, frustration, and other negative feelings throughout the whole process. Sometimes, it may be tempting to just give up looking in this tough job market, or feel depressed. However, remember we simply cannot change the big environment, and there are very few things we can do to change companies' hiring policy or selection. What we can do is learn to deal and cope with it. That said, instead of focusing on your negative emotions after rejections, you should focus on the lessons you learn from the interview process, and what you can do better next time around. Sharpen your weapons for the next battle, rather than cry for the lost battle. Sometimes, there is no need to take it too personal.
4. Find someone to share and support you: It is very important to find someone can understand your feeling and job hunting experience (you can email me J), as well as someone can cheer you up and be happy for your achievement. Emotion is a critical part of job hunting. In order to overcome the discouragimg reality, you need mental support. Your family, friends, class-mates are good candidates to share your job hunting experience. It is a bonding time with them, love is a powerful motivation.
5. Keep eyes on the goals and your dream: Don’t let yourself forget your goals in the long run, and don’t forget your dream. Remind yourself every day, what is important to you, and why you fight hard for them.
6. Give yourself a break!! I know job hunting is exhausting, and can be depressing from time to time. Therefore, you need to give yourself a break once a while. Taking your mind off job hunting for a while is a good way to recharge yourself. Read a book, watch a movie or tv show, or take a short trip with your love ones. Switch your mind to other things in life are important for you.

In summary, job hunting is a phase of our career life, and everyone has to face it. In the current market, the process is going be to longer than usual. As an oversea Chinese, we are facing more obstacles. So we need fight harder, and work harder. Write to me, if you want to. J