
在我上一篇博客里,我分析了自己最近面对的一个classic delimna. 这个星期,两个offers都来了!! 当然很高兴拉,看着offer letters 上的base salary, bonus & relo, and other benefit,这些都是让我很兴奋的数字,比我现在的工作有很不错的增加。特别是那个小公司的offer, 工资开的很搞,很让我心动。 现在经济危机,job market也特别不好,我还很幸运的有2个offers 来选择,于是心存感激。

但是我要对其中一个offer say no. 说不,是一件很难的事情。 在事业和人生的道路上,我们都要面对很多需要说不的情况。也是如何有技巧的说不就成为了一个知道讨论的话题。这样往往是我们在工作的时候忽略的一项。

在拒绝工作offer的时候,很有必要写一封诚恳的感谢信。因为对方公司在你身上花了很多时间和精力 ,你也跟很多公司的员工,老板接触和交谈过。他们给你offer说明了对你能力的肯定,也是对你的一种信任。我们必须要对给于我们尊重,肯定和信任的人心存感激。在你信里要真诚的表示感谢,也表达自己愿意跟他们保持联系。这个对建立长久的professional relationship很很必要的,因为business is a small world,很有可能在事业的下一步你还会有机会跟这个公司或者这个hiring manager合作。

同样的道理,在写辞职信的时候,也请诚挚的表达你的谢意,让你的老板和同事知道你enjoy working with them and learned a lot from them. 通常情况下我都会把自己的联系方法告诉同事和老板,并且跟他们常常保持联系。


请记住,在你的career中有过交集的人都是你networking的机会。常常有读者写信问我,如何才能networking,呵呵,其实秘诀就是一点一滴的积累,在不需要别人帮助的时候才是最好的networking 的机会。还有哦,有付出才有收获,networking也是这样,give and take,所以请也热心的帮助你的朋友同事,特别是我们中国同胞。 :)

Classic Dilemma

I haven’t written for this blog for a while. I was busy with other things in my life, such as green card application, house hunting, reading tones of books, and job hunting. Yes, I have been looking a new position inactively for the last two months. Even though my job is stable at this moment, I learn early on that the best time to look a job is when you still have a job. For me, I always believe that you should never stop looking for next step in your career, or things to do to improve yourself.

Both opportunities came in the same week, and interviews were scheduled fairly quickly. I just finished all the interviews with both companies, and now in the waiting mode. While I was telling those two opportunities to my friend yesterday over coffee, I realized it is the classic dilemma many people will face in their careers: Big corporate vs. Small company. Therefore, I decide to share my own experiences and thoughts with you.

Company A: it is the leader in the industry, a major competitor of my current company.

Company B: a small company in a nicer geographic location.

While they both offer a similar position, they have different pros & cons:

Big corporate:


· Golden name: it will look better in the resume. It is always easier to move from a big company to a small one, but verse vise could be difficult. This is even important when you want to move back to China eventually, a big name is certainly very marketable.

· More resources and budget: It means less stress work and more work-life balance.

· Better benefit


· Hard to get promotion or pay increase: big corporate is not very flexible in terms of pay due to the detail compensation policy. It is hard to get promotion or pay raise, usually it will takes years.

· Not many challenges: there are not many other things you can do outside of your job scope and tasks. Based on my personal experience, big corporate job can be boring.

· Lack of recognitions: it is hard to navigate through a big company with tens thousands of employers. A lot of times you don’t know many people outside of your team. Therefore, hardly anyone knows what you do and how good you are.

Small Company:


· Recognitions and engagements: in a small company, it is not uncommon that a lot people within the organization know you. You get more respects and recognitions for your accomplishments.

· Easier Promotion and Pay Raise: small company often is flexible in the salary. If you are a top performer and bring value to your company, it is easier to negotiate a pay raise or promotion than in big corporate.

· Challenges: employees in a small company are expected to work very hard, and play multiple roles. Therefore, you often end up with a lot of work in different areas. It will keep you busy and challenge you. You will certainly learn a lot in a short period of time.


· No name: less recognizable name adds much less value in your resume

· Less resources and more stress

· Less job security (of course, nowadays there is no more stable or job security. Both small and big companies’ employees are facing mass layoff possibility.)

I think what you choose it really a personal choice, and can be vary in different career or life stages. Ultimately, it is all about what do you really want from your career. Just remember, life is not perfect and you cannot get all: money, work-life balance, respect, or sense of accomplishment. You have to follow your mind and heart, and make hard choices.

Dear readers, what will you choose?