About this Blog

Warm Welcome!

I am not an career consultant or job hunting expert, but just someone like you. Here are something about me:
  • I was born and raised in China
  • Came to the United States after college
  • Finished my graduate schools in the United States
  • Was struggling to find a job in U.S.
  • Now working for Corporate American with a H1-B visa
  • Trying hard to move up the corporate ladder
Therefore, I share the same passion, goals and pain as you. I know what you are experiencing or what you have been through. I see people around me struggle so hard, feel lost and desperate to find a job after graduation. With current economic condition, it is hard for US citizens, and even harder for us. We have many restrictions and limited resources when it comes to job hunting and navigating through our careers. But I made it, after many mistakes, failures, disappointments, and frustrations. We, Chinese are highly-educated, intelligent and hard-working, so if I can, you surely can!

So, this website is for you, for all Chinese students and professionals that are living outside of the homeland. I want to share my stories, my job hunting experiences, the lessons I learned alone the way and other career development resources with you. Hopefully, you will find this site helpful, informative, and inspiring. Please, help others when you can!

自从2006年起,我就有建立这个网站的想法,陆陆续续悉写了些东西,本来我打算在写完所有内容后再公布这个网站,但是到目前为止还有不少章节(for example, onsite interview) 还来不及写完。想想已有的内容应该就能给很多人一些启发,所以就决定先公布,在add more information. 希望大家多多包涵,如果有什么问题和建议,请跟我联系,我会尽量回复。 谢谢!


  1. Great blog! it is very useful.
    Can I 转载 to my univercity's chinese bbs ?
    keep it up!!

  2. of course, but make sure post the link of this blog :)

    the more people know, the better!

  3. 我读了你的文章,觉得很有帮助,谢谢!

  4. Thanks for sharing those useful information.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thanks for sharing your experience. Very helpful!

  7. Thank you so much! You are very helpful!

  8. You must be a very nice person. I will read every word here carefully. Thanks for your great blog. Bless my job hunting.

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